the countdown has begun...
In slightly more than 32 hours, I will be leaving Jacksonville for Atlanta!! I'm super excited! I do have moments, however, where I'm like "what am I getting myself into?" but I'm positive I'm going to love it, so no worries. I think I'm mostly excited to be in a totally new environment for a few months. Besides, what could be cooler than living with good friends who I haven't seen in a long time and doing something that's "right up my alley" as a job. These few days between St. Augustine and Atlanta, however, are a bit crazy, trying to see everybody that I want to see before I head out. I have a feeling I'll be sending quite a few mass-emails while I'm gone... not because I don't care enough to write individual ones, but rather because there's like a million people I feel I need to keep in contact with, yet I will probably have limited internet time. So if you get one of those, don't feel jipped! Anyway, I'm off to get one of two remaining nights of sleep in my own bed. Later!
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