Nov 2, 2003

Wow! It's been a whole week since I posted last! Where does the time go? This week has been VERY busy and long. Stuff that happened on Wednesday seems like forever ago. I'm playing in the orchestra for the theater production that's going on currently here at Flagler. It's been fun but time-consuming. It occupied EVERY night of the past week for me... practices Monday through Wednesday and shows Thursday through Saturday with a matinee show this afternoon. Actually, I skipped out on rehearsal on Wednesday so I could go to Fusion. And I'm glad I did 'cause we had game night and it was way fun! Thursday was a rough day for me, but Thursday night after the show it was all better and I went to the Halloween "Midnight Breakfast" which was pretty good. There were three or four movies on the lawn this week that I missed out on, which I'm a little sad about, but that's okay. Friday night (Halloween) Krissy, Erica, Christina, and I went to All-Stars for a little bit: Erica & I as cowgirls and Krissy & Christina as... well, that's not really important! (haha!) All-Stars was a little to hectic for me though... Halloween's probably a bad night to go anyway, especially at midnight. So we left there and went to Steak-n-Shake, where there was a group of obnoxiously drunk people. But the food was good, so we were happy. Saturday was wonderful because I got to catch up on my sleep! Then Krissy and I took a trip to Wal-Mart and then to the Lincolnville Festival where we were told we looked like sisters...?... and we bought cool beaded bracelets. Then I colored her hair. Then we went back to the festival to get some yummy food. Of course I had to leave earlier than everybody else to go to the show. Church today was really great. I enjoy it there so much. So that's a recap of my week.

In an effort to say something that might be somewhat worth reading, I'll try to sum up some of the things that have been on my mind lately. It is vitally important to be REAL with people. Nobody needs a fake. No one profits anything from us being fake with them. And as far as Christian/non-Christian friendships, if we want the non-Christians to come to understand the importance of the things we say we believe, we HAVE TO live out our faith. In fact, I would almost go so far as to say that it's NOT faith UNTIL you live it out. "Faith without works is dead." To say you believe one thing and live something different from that is not true faith or even true belief. Non-Christians are often searching for something to fill "the void" in their lives -- whether or not they will admit that -- but preaching your faith to your lost friends often will not cause them to come to accept it; it must be lived out on your part. They honestly just need somebody to love them with a real love... real, unmotivated, Christ-like love... and somebody who will accept them just as they are. I mean, that's what Christ does for us, so we should be willing to do that to others. Just a thought.

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