Jun 28, 2006

old and new...

I am inching my way toward the end of my last full week at my current job. I will also work Monday of next week and hopefully be paid for the holiday on Tuesday, but this is my last full week, and I could not be more excited about not having to answer phones any more. I work for good people, and I have a good office environment, but what I actually do is by no means my dream job. I should be able to get into my classroom some time after Wednesday of next week to begin setting up, hopefully sooner rather than later. Each room is made available on an individual basis, and we are to keep checking the website to find out when ours is available, which is slightly frustrating, but it'll all work out. As I was looking at the website this morning, I came across the list of all the teachers for the upcoming school year, 27 of whom are new hires, and I was excited to see that all grades between 2 and 6 had at least two male teachers. (Probably half of them were newly hired.) That's pretty rare! At RB Hunt where I interned, the only two male teachers in the entire school were the music teacher and the PE teacher.

I started the process of filling out my new employee paperwork this morning. There's a bunch of forms I had to do, and I have to go in for an appointment to do a drug test and fingerprints and more paperwork. [Speaking of fingerprints, my one complaint is that the county hasn't developed a system where they keep fingerprints on file, so if you are hired more than once for the county (eg: as a sub and then as a teacher) you have to have your fingerprints done each time... costing you $61.] I'll also have to attend a Human Resources Orientation to discuss various aspects of my employment (benefits, worker's comp, etc.). Then, of course, there's the actual school orientation meetings that I'll do during our pre-planning week. It's busy, but it's also exciting.

Some advice: Don't plan on getting married between the time you interview/are hired for a job and the actual starting date (if you're a female especially). Do the marriage first if you have the option. It will save you having to fill out your paperwork twice! Getting married and getting the job are both, by all means, worth whatever trouble the double paperwork is, but not doing it twice would be nice, too. Just a thought. Take the advice, if it applies.

Grace and peace.
God is good!

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